
Showing posts from June, 2022

Uncommon Male Organ Problems: When Tumescence Causes Pain

 Uncommon Male Organ Problems: When Tumescence Causes Pain   Health,Fitness Men who have heard of priapism but have never endured it may find more likely to inspire snickering than empathy. But the fact is that priapism is a one of the more serious male organ health problems and one that needs to be treated promptly when it occurs. Back to the Greeks Priapism refers to a condition in which the member is kept in a persistent and frequently painful state of rigitdity for an extended period of time - typically four hours or more. The name is a reference to Priapus (or Priapos), a minor god in Greek mythology. As is fitting for a god whose domain was reproductive health, Priapus was always depicted with a monstrously large member - and one that was always fully at attention and ready to function. That’s all well and good for a god, but it’s not as much fun as it sounds for a human male. Despite most men’s desire to always be "ready to go," the fact is that the manhood isn’t built...